About Homeo Girl

The Homeo Girl Story

My name is Cristie. My journey with homeopathy started 7 years ago, when I was on a quest to build a healthier life.

I realized allopathic medication was not helping me, and built on symptom suppression. Homeopathy believes the body is designed to heal itself, but often times we need extra support. Healing cannot happen when we are in an imbalanced state.

Homeopathic remedies serve as a catalyst to ignite your body’s own healing force. I believe in this medicine with every part of my soul. I have witnessed (and experienced personally) miracles one would not believe with homeopathy (my best cases are those who I do not share).

Homeopathy is a gift that I will never stop sharing with the world.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a 200 year old medical system backed by science, and, according to the World Health Organization, used globally by over 600 million people. In fact, in some countries it is integrated into their healthcare system and used alongside allopathic treatment.

It was discovered by a German Physician named Samuel Hahnemann. He grew tired of the suppressive methods used at the time to mask symptoms. Though these methods would be considered ancient and foolish today, they are still relative in the traditional allopathic approach that we used today.

Homeopathy works on a few basic principles:

1. The body is designed to heal itself. The body is designed to heal itself. That is, if it is functioning properly. We often need a gentle nudge in the right direction to ignite this healing process (homeopathic remedy)

2. Symptoms are there to protect us. Hahnemann believed that once the body becomes ill, the entire person is ill and that the central disturbance (dis-ease) sends symptoms to local parts (ie headache). When we mask these symptoms, we are essentially shooting the messenger via suppressing, and causing more harm.

3. That which has the power to harm has the power to heal. Everything has a healing property. Take the remedy Arsenicum, for example. It is made of Arsenicum (no, you are not literally ingesting ARSENIC). Homeopathic remedies are heavily diluted to the point that there is no harmful parts left of the substance remaining. You are essentially taking the carbon copy of that substance, some might compare to "micro-dosing."

4. Like cures like. In example, the homeopathic remedy, Allium Cepa (made of onions) is good for allergies and hay fever. If we think about the physical effects of onions, we know that they can cause eyes to tear. So we are treating the symptom with the substance that can cause those same set of symptoms (like cures like). Another example is the homeopathic remedy, Arsenicum (derived from Arsenic). Arsenicum is commonly used for food poisoning. (Poison+Poison).

5. Highly individualized. Every person expresses dis-ease and symptoms differently. Homeopathy is HIGHLY individualized and case by case. Just because one person experienced healing from a remedy, does not mean you would necessarily require the same one. Your homeopath takes ALL of your symptoms into account all the way down to your hobbies, pet peeves, cravings and aversions, etc., when selecting your remedy.

6. Treating root cause versus masking symptoms. Treating root cause versus masking symptoms. Homeopathy does not aim to suppress or "mask" your symptoms. We do not treat ailment by ailment. In fact, this would only palliate symptoms versus moving towards true healing. Your full case must be taken in order to receive the full benefits of homeopathy.

All Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved and safe for pregnant women, infants, and animals. Homeopathic remedies can be taken alongside most medications *aways consult your practitioner before taking any homeopathic remedy* 

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